🍄Fossil Tips

Setting up a new repository

  1. cd to wherever you're storing Fossil repo files (e.g. ~/dev/fossil-repos)

  2. fossil init <project-name>.fossil

  3. cd to your working directory (e.g. ~/dev/<project-name>)

  4. fossil open <path-to-fossil-file>

  5. You can start the web server with fossil ui

Ignoring files

You can use the settings ignore-glob command to list the directories/files to ignore as a comma-separated list.

    On your repository's web interface, go to the Admin menu, select Settings and type the comma-separated list of directories to ignore; for example: */*.suo,*/*/bin/*,*/*/obj/*.
    Alternatively, on the command line you can type fossil settings ignore-glob to list the applied ignore list, or fossil settings ignore-glob list-of-files.


  1. Make changes

  2. fossil changes / fossil diff

  3. fossil addremove <files-or-dirs>

  4. fossil commit

Setting up remote repositories

  1. Change any security settings you need to adjust, like taking the repo private and setting a user password

  2. Update the canonical URL

  3. scp the repo file to the remote host

  4. mv the file to the right place for hosting, e.g. /home/fossil/repos/

  5. chown the file to the right user and group, e.g. fossil:web

  6. fossil remote https://username@domain/path

  7. fossil sync